Mental Conditioning

The difference between an elite or professional athlete and someone who was just really good in the vast majority of cases, is very narrow.  Stories are told all the time about how the best athletes weren’t necessarily the most talented, but instead were most able to persevere, focus and remain resilient in the face of distractions and adversity.

Mental conditioning, provides some ideas on how you improve your mental skill set.  

Where is your game mentally? Is your mind conditioned to provide direction and control over those polished physical skills when it’s time to perform? The mind is the link between preparation and performance, and it is essential to have adaptive and effective mental conditioning in order to achieve peak performance. Mental conditioning is a process that can be developed, refined, and shaped over time. Incorporate these strategies to develop a strongly conditioned mind that is primed to empower your best performance.

In short, these tools are powerful for athletes but interestingly they can be impactful for people seeking a performance edge in the workplace.  At the end of the day, the biggest difference for elite performance comes from tools and resources developed from the neck up

Game Change was founded in 2011 to serve and enhance the athlete development needs of major professional and elite sport organizations and athletes.  Game Change specializes in customized research and assessment services, the development of applied interventions and resources designed to provide long-term positive outcomes for organizations and individual athletes.  Game Change believes strongly in sport as a catalyst for societal change and adheres to the philosophy of ‘changing the world one athlete at a time’.

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Mindfulness For Performance